
  1. Staff are trying to signup and the system says that the email and or/NI number already exists
  2. Can I create different contracts for Employed and Self-employed staff

Staff are trying to signup and the system says that the email and or/NI number already exists

Each staff profile registered within Staffwise has to have a unique email address and NI number. So if staff receive this message upon registration relating to an existing email address:

Or this message when trying to add an NI number:

It would mean that these details DO already exist on another staff profile or profiles.

If you cannot find this email address and/or NI number via the Staff search:

Then most likely the staff profile(s) in question have been archived. You can get to the staff archive here:

Within the staff archive

  • You can search for the email address here under Main details > Email
  • You can search for the NI number under Payroll related > NI number


Can I create different contracts for Employed and Self-employed staff

When creating your terms and contracts (see: Terms, privacy statements, opt-ins and consent) you have the option to limit the visibility of any legal contract to:

  • Limit visibility to staff within certain tags
  • Limit visibility to certain staff statuses

The example above shows that you can create a tag called PAYE and place all PAYE staff into this tag. (See: Staff tags)

By adding tags, this legal document/contract will be hidden from all staff upon initial registration. Once the staff are registered and approved you can then allocate each person to the appropriate tag or staff status. You might create such tags as

  • Employed
  • Self Employed

Thereby giving you control over who sees and signs which legal document upon their next login to their staffarea after being added to this tag or status

This can be applied to other such contracts, opt-ins, waivers, etc not related to the employment type.