
  1. Housekeeping section to clean up and remove staff
  2. Staff that have not worked for two or more years or not worked at all

Housekeeping section to clean up and remove staff

The Housekeeping section can be found in the Staff dropdown in the top menu

This page will allow you to filter for staff based upon:

  • When they registered
  • When they last logged in
  • When they were last booked onto a job
  • Then by the opt-in status on all your custom terms, privacy policies, consents and opt-ins
  • Then lastly by when the Housekeeping email was sent last

Use this page to determine which staff possibly no longer need to be kept on your books and that can be archived or deleted. There is no set formula and is what you determine to feel most comfortable with. Ideally, there should be minimal staff in your archive, as staff that have never worked that are in your archive should be removed.

Use the checkboxes to select staff statuses and then use With selected > email to use the Housekeeping template to email the staff to give all staff the option to:

  • Remain on your books by logging into their staffarea to agree/opt-in to new terms, etc to remain
  • Be removed from your books by clicking the [[leaver_url]] tag, or simply by ignoring the email

We highly recommend using this page frequently to make sure you keep a nice and up-to-date pool of staff who are opted-in to your terms.

Staff that have not worked for two or more years or not worked at all

You should not be keeping the following staff profiles

  • Incomplete profiles
  • Rejected staff 
  • Staff not used for a certain period of time
    • If staff have never been used for a certain period of time (2 or more years in most cases) and you deem they will probably never work with you, then contact these staff to see if they wish to remain on the books and receive job updates. If no reply then deletion is best.
  • Staff in the archive
    • Staff that are in here because of blacklisted or suspended reasons should only be kept for around 2 years after their last shift.

Please note that if a person above that is to be deleted and was ever contacted/worked a shift via the system then from upon deletion the system will keep a log of the consent and pay records. We will automatically use the data pseudonymisation deletion process to ensure the consent logs and/or pay records remain in the system. See: Staff profile deletion using data pseudonymisation