Internal staff

  1. Can I schedule and pay my internal staff through Staffwise?
  2. Adding internal staff into Staffwise
  3. Categorising internal staff
  4. Creating schedules for internal staff
  5. Booking internal staff onto shifts
  6. Evaluate and signoff internal staff shifts
  7. Running payroll for internal staff shifts

Can I schedule and pay my internal staff through Staffwise?

Yes, indeed you can and many of our clients do so. Whilst Staffwise is primarily for shift-based workers and not 9-5 based employment, the system works fine for these uniform and consistent shift patterns.

The following items below detail each part of the process and the tools we have in place to help expedite the process of adding, scheduling and paying your internal staff through Staffwise.

Adding internal staff into Staffwise

There are two ways to add your internal staff to Staffwise:

Registration process

They can follow the same registration process as your shift staff. This would mean that you can utilise the full functionality of the Staffwise onboarding process to get all of your internal staff details added to the system including their ID and Right to Work documentation.

Adding staff manually

If you do not require your internal staff to go through the full registration process, then you can add in minimal details manually as follows:

  • Go to Staff > Add new
  • The minimum datails you will need to add is as follows:
    • Email address
    • Password
    • Staff status
      • You must select a status that allows you to book staff
    • Title
    • First name
    • Last name
  • Press Save

Categorising internal staff

We would recommend that you categorise your internal staff to separate and identify them from your regular staff. This will help when running payroll as you will be able to apply filters, if required, to run payroll separately for each pool of staff.

You can categorise your internal staff by Staff status and/or Staff type and/or Staff tag

Creating schedules for internal staff

You can create a schedule in the normal way for your internal staff. See Adding a schedule.

Due to the nature of these shifts being ongoing and in a regular pattern we recommend using 'Set recurring dates' when specifying dates:

  • Adding your Location and dates
    • Add your location as your office address and press the date button
    • Click on Set recurring dates
    • Select the date from and date to and the days of the week:
    • This will now populate the calendar dates
    • Press OK
  • You can now add the roles for these dates.
    • Each role will be based on the time and rate being paid.
    • A typical set of roles of internal office staff might look like this:

Booking internal staff onto shifts

You can book your internal staff shifts as normal. See Booking staff

Evaluate and signoff internal staff shifts

You can evaluate and signoff your internal staff shifts in bulk. See Evaluate and Signoff.

Running payroll for internal staff shifts

See Running payroll for how to run the payroll for your internal staff shifts.

To run payroll separately for your internal staff you can use the filters on top of the Awaiting payment page to filter by:

  • Staff tag
  • Staff type