
  1. Why cant staff add their expenses?
  2. Staff forgot to add expenses and the shift has been paid.

Why cant staff add their expenses?

There are 3 reasons that staff would not be able to add expenses to a shift:

  • An expense allowance hasn't been added to the schedule
  • The shifts has been approved for payroll
  • The shift has already been paid

1. An expense allowance hasn't been added to the schedule

In order for staff to be able to add expenses to a shift you need to make sure that the shift added to the schedule has an expense allowance allocated to it.

You can do this by going to the schedule and adding the expense allowance to the expense allowance field:

  • Enter the guide allowance amount for staff to claim their expenses against
    • The staff can go over this amount but they will be warned to have pre-approved it first
  • Enter 0 or leave it blank if staff are not able to claim expenses for this shift
  • This field is not mandatory

1. The shift has been approved for payroll

Once a shift has received a green thumbs up for payroll in Awaiting Signoff the shift will be sent to Awaiting Payment. Once here the shift will no longer allow staff to add expenses to it.

The shift status log on the Shifts page will show this status log:

You can still allow staff to add expenses this shift by reversing the signoff in Awaiting Payment:

  • Go to Payroll > Awaiting Payment
  • Go to Evaluate & Signoff, and click on the button in that column
  • Set the Payroll signoff to the black dot
  • Press Submit to send this shift back to Awaiting Signoff
  • Staff can now once again claim expenses against this shift

3. The shift has already been paid

When a shift has been paid staff can no longer claim expenses for that shift. In this instance you can use ad-hoc payments for staff to claim expenses: https://staffwi.se/user-guide/payroll/adhoc-payments 

The shift status log on the Shifts page will show this status log:

Staff forgot to add expenses and the shift has been paid.

There are two options for staff claiming expenses after the shift has been paid:

1. Add another shift with a zero rate

Staff can then claim just their expenses against this shift

2. Use ad-hoc payment

You can use ad-hoc payments to claim the expenses. See details here: https://staffwi.se/user-guide/payroll/adhoc-payments