- Create a new Reporting API User in Accounts > Reporting
- Click on Add New
- You can now create your Reporting API User:
- Add a Name
- Select the Is API User checkbox
- Press Submit
- You now need to assign reports to this new API User by clicking on the Reports button in the user account list:
- Click on Add New
- Start typing in the textfield to find your report and select it
- Press Submit
- On the main user account list click on the Edit button
- Here you must take a Copy of your Key
- Your Endpoint URL will be:
- Where
is the subdomain of your system
- Where
is the report id of each report and can be retrieved from two places
- On the main user accounts list
- Go to Accounts > Reporting
- Click on the Reports button
- The number is the first column in the Report ID
- In the main Reporting section of the system
- Go to Reporting > View Reporting
- The first column in the list is the Reporting ID
- Request the body in JSON format
- token
- exportFormat
- This is optional
- Values can be 0, 1 or 2
- 0 = Export CSV file with multiple value questions as one row
- 1 = Export CSV file with multiple value questions as one row and with a static number of columns.
- Typically useful if you have logic added to your survey to keep every export consistent
- 2 = CSV Export file with multiple value questions over multiple rows
- dateStart
- This is optional
- ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
- dateStop
- This is optional
- ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
- API responses HTTP CODES:
- 400
- Incorrect request.
- If there's a specific error such as exportFormat incorrect or Wrong date then there will be an error message
- 401
- Auth error
- No token or user inactive, etc
- 403
- Access denied for this report
- Report not added or does not exist
- 200
- All is fine, and you have a CSV as the output