System setup
- Adding your company information
- Add your branding and email signature
- Reviewing and updating the registration process
- Add your terms, privacy, opt-ins and consent
- Adding your company contract signatory
- Adding your staff roles
- Adding your staff statuses and their permissions
- Automatic removal of incomplete and rejected staff profiles
Adding your company information
To add your company details to the system
- Go to Settings
- Go to Company and contact information
- Add the following information
- Company name Mandatory
- This is used in your staff communications using the tag [[company_name]]
- Company phone Mandatory
- This is used in your staff communications using the tag [[company_phone]]
- Company email Mandatory
- This is used in your staff communications using the tag [[company_email]]
- Company number
- Registered in
- This will be automatically added to the staff contracts
- Booking email
- This is used in your staff communications using the tag [[booking_email]]
- Address
- This will be automatically added to the staff contracts
- Company name Mandatory
- Press Save
Add your branding and email signature
Details on how to add your company branding and email signature can be found here: Adding and managing your system branding
Reviewing and updating the registration process
You will need to review and customise the registration process to suit your business requirements.
- Go to Settings
- Go to Staff registration > Manage the registration form > Edit
- Here you will see a complete list of each page of the registration process
- You can now
- Make a page Active or Inactive by clicking on the button in the Active column
- Preview a page to see how your page will look and function for the staff
- Click on the Manage button to customise the questions on that page
- Ensure you have added descriptions to the top of each page of the registration process to explain to staff why you are taking the data on each page
- Should you require further assistance with this setup please get in contact with us -
Please click here to watch an explainer video to assist in this setup process.
Add your terms, privacy, opt-ins and consent
On the first page of the staff registration process, the new applicant must agree to your terms, privacy statement, opt-ins and consent.
To manage the terms:
- Go to Settings
- Go to Staff registration > Terms, privacy, consent, opt-ins, etc > Edit
- See the article: Managing your terms, privacy statements, opt-ins, and consent
Adding your company contract signatory
The Contract signatory will be automatically added to your Staff contracts.
To add a Contract signatory
- Go to Settings
- Go to Staff registration > Contract signatory > Edit
- Click on Add New
- Now add the following mandatory fields
- Name
- Position
- Signature
- Sign on screen
- Add a signature from a file upload
- Press Submit
- Like any contract, once this is entered into the system it becomes binding and cannot be deleted and will be applied to any contracts that are agreed upon and signed within the time frame of this signatory being active
- Should you wish to replace this signatory repeat the process to add a new signatory. This will then demote the previous active signatory into the signatory log.
Adding your staff roles
In order to start creating your jobs and schedules you will need to have all your custom staff roles added to the system.
You can also add default options and rates to these roles so when you build a schedule these rates are populated automatically to save you time and keep things consistent. They can still be adjusted if necessary.
To add and manage staff roles
- Go to Settings
- Go to Staff options > Staff roles > Edit
- Full details for adding and managing roles can be found here: Staff roles
Adding your staff statuses and their permissions
A staff status is allocated to every staff member in your database. Various statuses are automatically allocated to staff depending on what stage of the registration process they are at such as Incomplete and Applied and then Active when they are approved and Rejected they are not approved.
You can also create your own custom statuses to allocate staff as you see fit for additional categorization.
- Go to Settings
- Go to Staff options
- Go to Staff options > Staff statuses
- Full details can be found here: Staff statuses
Automatic removal of incomplete and rejected staff profiles
To automatically set incomplete and rejected profiles to be deleted after 6 months
- Go to Settings
- Go to Staff options
- Tick these checkboxes for automatic removal of both after 180 days.