Payroll preparation

  1. Ensuring staff have a payroll number
  2. Ensuring staff have bank details
  3. Ensuring staff have agreed to consents, opt-ins, terms, etc
  4. Change of details report
  5. Adding staff to a new finance package
  6. New starter checklist for employed staff PAYE (UK only)

Ensuring staff have a payroll number

Before you can run a payroll you need to make sure that all staff have a payroll number. Within Staffwise when you make someone active they will be allocated a payroll number automatically, but if we have imported your staff from a previous system and some of those staff do not have a payroll number then these need to be generated for those staff.

To find out if there are staff without a payroll number and how many:

  • Go to Search staff
  • Click to expand the Contact details search block
  • Then select Doesn't have payroll number
  • Press Search

There are 2 ways to do this allocate a payroll number:

  • Change staff to any staff status other than active and then change back to active, thus allocating them with a payroll number.
    • To change a staff status go to Staff profile > Main details (tab) > Contact (tab). Then on here, you can see a dropdown for Staff status. When changing a status it will ask you to add a reason for the change so others are aware.
  • If there are quite a few without a payroll number you can ask support to allocate them for you.

Ensuring staff have bank details

Staff can add their bank details in their staffarea. To see how many staff don't have them added as yet but are due to be paid you can:

  • Go to the main dashboard under Requires urgent attention
    • Click on Due pay, missing bank details
    • If there are any you can use With all > Email to chase

Ensuring staff have agreed to consents, opt-ins, terms, etc

When setting up your terms and opt-ins (See: Managing your terms, privacy statements, opt-ins and consent) you have an option:

  • Still allow staff to be paid if not set to opt-in

If this is not ticked and staff have not agreed to the latest terms or opt-in they will be flagged as red in Awaiting payment and those shifts cannot be exported until they agree/opt-in

To find out why a shift is red, look at the first column in Awaiting payment:

  • TC = Required terms not opted in/agreed
  • SC = Missing New Starter Checklist
  • NI = Missing National Insurance number
  • BD = Missing Bank details

Change of details report

When paying staff the finance system you are importing the payroll file into always has to have up-to-date details, most importantly the bank details.

Under Payroll > Change of details report it will show you a list of all the changes made to staff profiles:

  • Payroll number
  • Name
  • Title
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Address
  • NI number
  • Date of birth
  • Bank name
  • Sort code
  • Account number
  • Email address

You have the option to export these details or you can set an automated email alert for when any of these details are changed. See Send email when staff change their details

Adding staff to a new finance package

There are 2 common ways that a finance system will process payroll:

  • By importing all information each time via the payroll file to the finance system (including bank details) in order to process payroll
  • By importing all staff first into the new finance system, via a New starters report or similar, and then using a payroll number in the payroll file to match the payment to the person in the system.Thus not requiring staff details to be sent with every payroll file. This is a preferred method

If your new finance system does require staff to be imported first before processing the first payroll we can flag every user in the system as a New starter so that all staff appear in the New starter report download with every payroll export as they are paid for the first time using the new system.

If this is the first time running payroll with a new finance system please check with Staffwise support so we can make sure all your staff and their details are added to your system via a New starter report or another suitable method.

New starter checklist for employed staff PAYE (UK only)