Notifications side bar
Click on the Notifications button to expand the right sidebar
This sidebar will show you a list of shift applications and survey submissions
Each shift application above consists of:
- Staff main photo
- Staff name
- Total shifts applied for
- Invited icon
- Green if the staff were invited to this shift
- Grey if the staff were not invited to this shift
- Invited icon
- Time and date stamp applied
- Campaign name applied for
Mouse over each application to show a tooltip dialogue more information and actions:
This tooltip dialogue contains the following:
- Staff main photo
- Staff name
- Staff email
- Staff phone
- Staff town
- Job applied for
- Role applied for
- List of shifts applied for
- View full profile (via button)
- View profile overview (via button)
- Staff reputation
- Book (via button)
If this tool top is related to a survey submission you will see the following information:
- Reporting submissions
- Staff main photo
- Report submitted
- Time / date stamp
Notification popups
Popup notifications for shift applications and report submissions will appear:
- In the top left of the browser in you have the browser open
- In the bottom left of the desktop if you have the browser minimised
You can click the notification to see more details.